SC26 Soft Serve Freezer

Think of such things as: Your location – how big will the demand be on your soft ice cream machine? At what capacity do you want & need to serve product? How many flavors do you want to offer?

Ice Cream Soft Serve Gelato

Ice Cream

Ice creams come in an array of different flavors to choose from. There are classic ice cream flavors like chocolate and vanilla, but experimental ones like ghost pepper-flavored and lobster-flavored also exist.



Jingling Soft ice cream machine - recipe partner -LEAGEL Leagel is a leading company in the sector of high quality ingredients for gelato parlours and pastry shops that has been operating in the world for over 25 years.

Agitator Gravity Tube S/S Beater


Tank agitator for soft ice cream machine Prevents product stratification and helps to reduce foam by maintaining a fluid consistency.